Sunday, July 5, 2009

Result of AGM - what do you want from ARM-A?

Hello members of ARM-A.

This blog as been created as a way for us to communicate with each other before the website is established.

At the AGM after the July 09 Conference at UQ, we installed a new Executive. The Executive is now:

President: Joan Garvan (ANU)
Vice President: Julie Kelso
Secretary: TBC
Treasurer: Tarsh Bates (UWA)
Committee members: Alison Bartlett (UWA), Catherine Walsh, Marie Porter, Vivienne Muller(QUT), Jane Hasler (U Sydney)

We are open to accepting more committee members. It would be ideal to have each state represented.

The next conference will be held in Perth. The date is to be confirmed.

At the AGM we agreed to establish a web presence for ARM-A, which means we could then connect with the newly formed International Mothers Network. And we agreed to ask you, the members, what you want from the organisation.

So, what do you want from ARM-A?

What is your vision of what ARM-A could be?

Do you want a newsletter? Local events? Guest speakers?
An opportunity to share academic work between conferences?

What do you want to see on the ARM-A website?

How can we get more people involved?

What can you offer the Association?

Please enter your ideas. We'll then work out what we can deliver.


Catherine and Joan